In addition to LibreOffice, you can download FreeOffice, Apache OpenOffice, Polaris Office or try the online Google Docs suite, which are all free and direct substitutes for Microsoft Office. In addition to LibreOffice, are there other good (and free) MS Office alternatives?

LibreOffice is also compatible with older formats of Microsoft Office including 6.0, 1995, 1997, 2000, 2003, and XP. LibreOffice can both save and open files in all popular Microsoft Office formats such as ".doc" ".docx" ".xls" ".xlsx" and ".ppt" ".pptx" just to name a few. Can LibreOffice open Microsoft Office documents? Ultimately, Microsoft Office runs on Windows, macOS, iOS and Android while LibreOffice runs on Windows, macOS and Linux, which Office doesn't. In addition to LibreOffice being free and MS Office requiring users to purchase a license, there are other differences that can be highlighted such as cloud integration, team collaboration, autocorrect and templates that are found in the latter and not in the free office suite. Microsoft Office on the other hand has other utilities like Outlook which is an email client, Publisher which is a desktop publishing program, Access which is a database manager, Microsoft Teams for team communication and Skype for business, all of these seamlessly integrated. LibreOffice also includes Draw which is a vector graphics application and Base which is a database management system. The equivalent for Excel is Calc, then you have Word and Writer for word processing, PowerPoint and Impress for presentations. LibreOffice has been designed to compete directly with MS Office so both include similar productivity tools with similar functions. What are the differences between LibreOffice and Microsoft Office? LibreOffice includes several applications that make it the most versatile Free and Open Source office suite on the market: Writer (word processing), Calc (spreadsheets), Impress (presentations), Draw (vector graphics and flowcharts), Base (databases), and Math (formula editing). Its clean interface and feature-rich tools help you unleash your creativity and enhance your productivity. LibreOffice is a powerful and free office suite, a successor to OpenOffice, used by millions of people around the world.